Picked for Playground @ Berkeley Rep
36 writers get the topic on Friday.
36 writers deliver their scripts by Monday.
6 scripts get done the following week.
In residence at Berkeley Repertory Theatre
November 15, 2010
Alicia and the Dandy by Melissa Fall, directed by Mina Morita
Three Notes on Confabulation by Garret Jon Groenveld, directed by
No More, Too Late, Adieu by Leah Halper, directed by Jim Kleinmann
See. On. Unseen. The. Lost. by Evelyn Jean Pine, directed by Molly Noble
Escapades by Mandy Hodge Rizvi, directed by Chris Smith
and finally:
Long Election Day's Journey Into Parade Night, by Ignacio Zulueta
directed by Ken Sonkin
Tickets: $15 ($10 student, sliding scale pay-as-you can
once all tickets are sold)
Pre-performance talk: 7pm with the playwrights
To purchase tickets for future playground events, click here.